Dress rehearsal clarification


The dress rehearsal dates are all updated on the website calendar with time and cast info. We dress rehearse for a total of seven days, but those days are structured differently. They start on Monday July 18th and run through the weekend.

The 18th through the 21st :

The first four days, Monday through Thursday, we will dress rehearse during the regular rehearsal time (9-1). We highly encourage you to come earlier than that if you can. 15 minutes extra prep gets the day rolling that much faster.

We will have our regular break on these days but it will be in costume with volunteer provided costume safe food because there will not be time to get in and out of costume.

We will start with Act 3 and go through the end with both casts. Once that is accomplished any remaining time goes to Acts 1 and 2.

The 22nd through the 24th :

The last three days, the Friday Saturday and Sunday, will most likely have a morning start but will probably run later into the afternoon. That info will be updated everywhere as soon as it is finalized. Break/cut-off time also TBA.

We will dress through the entire play from beginning to end, alternating casts for each act.
This leaves us, depending on how everything clocks in, with one cast un-dress-rehearsed for Act one, and a different cast un-dress-rehearsed for Act two.

This prioritizes Acts 3-5 with both casts, leaving the first two acts which are the most prepared already.

That brings us to the 26th :

The following Tuesday morning from 9-1 will be used to get those remaining sections done. We understand that this date has not been on the schedule until now, but please treat this as non-optional unless you have planned conflict that you have communicated to us. This day is literally our last chance, one day from performances, to make sure everything is ready.